So, the Summer season is back with kids out of school in sunshine, picnics or vacationing along with its own set of issues - Sun Burn/ Rashes, Dehydration etc.
To enjoy the summertime to its fullest, here are a few summer health tips for kids and adults to keep in mind:
• Stay Hydrated - Don't forget to consume plenty of water. Summer heat and sweat dehydrate your body which may result in fever and chills. Best way to keep yourself hydrated is to drink at least 2-3 litres of water per day.
• Have Light and Healthy Summer Food - Instead of having heavy meals, consume small and regular meals. Meals with high fat content and carbohydrates produce a lot of heat in the body. Include fresh juicy fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, watermelon, tomatoes etc.
• Comfortable and Light Wear - To beat the summer heat, it is best to dress in very lightweight and breathable clothes such as made out of cotton or linen. These materials help to keep your body temperature cool in the hot sun. Instead of wearing layered clothes, wear light weight clothes.
• Take care of your eyes well - While outdoors in the sun at work or at play , wear protective eyewear. Use sunglasses which can block at least 99% of A and B type UV rays.
• Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol - As summer heat is as is very dehydrating, consumption of Alcohol, Coffee and Frizzy Drinks can add to the problem. If possible, intake of popular beverages should be limited. The best substitute is plain or flavoured water.
• Precautions to avoid heatstroke - Another main issue that adults risk during the hot summer months is heatstroke. The reason that adults are more prone to this is that their bodies cannot adjust to temperature changes as quickly as kids. Please keep in mind that High fever, nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness are all common symptoms of heatstroke.
At AIMS Hospital a state-of-the-art healthcare facilities are available with specialized clinical departments like Dietetics & Nutrition, Diagnostic etc.
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