Awards & Accolades

Proud to be ranked among the Multispeciality Best Hospitals in Mumbai & Western India within the Top 10 positions by Times Health All India Critical Care Hospital Survey for the last 3 consecutive years. (Know More)

AIMS Hospital awarded as the Trend Setter in Healthcare by Lokmat News Media in 2021, for clinical Excellence, Patient Satisfaction, Technological Innovations, Medical Advancements & Community Involvement.

Achieved 9th Rank in Mumbai & 12th Rank in Western India among the Top Best Hospitals in Mumbai in a Multispeciality Hospitals survey conducted by Times group in 2021.(Know More)

Proud to be ranked among the Best Hospitals in Mumbai & Western India for various specialties in a Critical Care Survey conducted by Times group in 2021.(Know More)

Awarded as the Best Tertiary Care Hospital by the Times of India in Year 2020.