Best Health Check-up Center in Dombivli and Kalyan | AIMS Hospital

DATE : 09/04/2022
AUTHOR : AIMS Hospital

Why are Health Check-ups to be done on regular basis

A few years ago, people used to visit the doctor only when they were unwell. Today, preventative health care is becoming essential as people are more concerned about their health. People are pre-emptively seeking medical guidance on how to live a healthy lifestyle to lower their risk of various illnesses or diseases. 
Doctors are also asking that patients get regular check-ups done to help them stay healthy and fit. They are emphasizing the importance of prevention, as a means to lower the number of patients requiring medical treatment or surgery. 
Regular check-ups can help find potential health issues in the early stage. When you see your doctor regularly, they can detect health conditions or diseases in time. Early detection gives you the best chance of getting the right treatment fast and avoiding any complications. By getting the correct health services, screenings, and treatment you are taking a leap toward living a longer and healthier life. 

Below are some benefits of regular health check-ups:

• Lower your risk of getting sick
• Detect potentially life-threatening health conditions or diseases in early stage
• Improve possibilities for different treatments and remedy
• Confine the risk of complications by closely monitoring existing conditions
• Improve health Downsize health care costs by avoiding expensive medical services
• Get updated on new medical details or technologies that are available

How to select Health Check-up Package?

AIMS Hospital has several Preventive Health Check-up programs available. These are categorized by the tests involved based on your age and lifestyle.

 E.g. Younger people may need fewer screenings since they are moderately more healthy. Old folks will probably need a health package that includes cardiac screening tests. Similarly, women may also need a few additional tests than men, such as Breast Cancer Screening, Cervical Cancer Screening, etc.

The most useful practice is to visit your doctor and ask him/her what option is the most appropriate and necessary for you.

Looking for a Full Body Check-up?

AIMS hospital is the best health check up centre in Dombivli and Kalyan

AIMS Hospital offers a range of Full Body Check-up Health Packages based on your needs. You can either choose the one you need, or you can also consult with our doctors first and undergo the tests based on their recommendations.

Contact us today at 8291978991 for more information on our Health Check-up packages.




Plot No. P72, AIMS, Milap Nagar, MIDC,
Dombivli East, Thane, Maharashtra 421201



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