People are infected with the Dengue virus through the bite of an infected Aedes species (Ae. Aegypti or Ae. Albopictus ) mosquito. These mosquitoes also transmit zika, chikungunya and other viruses.
When the mosquito bites you, the virus embarks your body and begins to spread., attaching itself to the platelets and main to replication. When this happens, the 'infected' platelets tend to bring on harm to the healthy platelets as well and are furthermore aggravated by the body's resistant defence attacking them, mistaking them to be foreign bodies.
An ordinary person has a platelet count between 150,000 and 250,000 per microlitre of blood. Around 80 to 90 per cent of patients with dengue will have levels beneath 100,000, which is a matter of concern.
When the bone marrow function is suppressed as well, it can forby lead to a staggering cave in the counts, and cause problems.
Ways to prevent dengue fever
Symptoms to watch for
Dengue causes flu-like symptoms and fall in platelet count which typically lasts for 2-7 days. Dengue fever generally occurs afterwards an incubation period of 4-10 days afterwards the bite of the contaminated mosquito.
High Fever (40°C/ 104°F) is generally accompanied by at fewest two of the after symptoms:
Treatment is composed of medications and fluids to lower the infection. Platelet count might be elevated with the assistance of routine transfusions, in cases where it's required.
With the exception of such therapies, the greatest way to spike up platelet connote is by containing recovery-aiding foods in your diet. Containing papaya leaf extract, green leafy veggies, fruits, iron-rich foods, vitamin-C and vitamin-K wealthy foods and supplements are several of the ways to double and stabilize healthy platelet connote in the course of the infection stage.
When warning signs of dengue are present (listed above), it is imperative to consult a doctor and seek hospitalization to manage the disease.
At AIMS Hospital, the Critical Care Department is operational under the supervision of the well-experienced medical team.
Please call us at @02516185000 or visit us at AIMS Hospital Critical Care.
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