Adolescent Mental Health Specialists, Dr.Bhushan Patil, Dombivli, Kalyan

DATE : 23/02/2024
AUTHOR : AIMS Hospital

What are the 6 important Insights for Parents Regarding Adolescent Mental Health ?


Navigating the complexities of adolescent behavior can often leave parents wondering when typical mood swings cross the line into mental illness. At AIMS Hospital, we understand the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health concerns in teenagers. Here are six essential insights for parents to understand regarding mental illness in adolescents.

1. Defining Mental Illness:

Physicians defines a mental illness through specific criteria tailored to each individual. Rather than a generalized perception, diagnoses like major depressive disorder are assessed based on observable symptoms such as changes in academic performance, social withdrawal, and unusual irritability.

2. Common Mental Health Conditions:

Among teenagers, prevalent mental health disorders include generalized anxiety, social phobias, and depression. These conditions manifest in various ways, from excessive worry and self-consciousness to persistent feelings of sadness and emptiness.

3. Recognizing Warning Signs:

Parents should remain vigilant for warning signs of mental illness beyond academic decline. Changes in social habits, avoidance of previously enjoyed activities, and physical symptoms like fatigue and muscle tension can all indicate underlying mental health issues.

4. Unique Symptoms:

Differentiating between disorders, such as generalized anxiety, social phobias, and depression, requires an understanding of their distinct symptoms. From restlessness and difficulty concentrating to persistent sadness and loss of interest, each condition presents its own set of challenges.

5. Seeking Diagnosis:

Visiting a primary care physician at AIMS Hospital is the first step in obtaining a diagnosis for your teenager's mental health concerns. Through thorough assessment and collaboration with specialists if needed, our healthcare professionals ensure accurate identification and appropriate treatment.

6. Treatment Options:

There is a wide range of treatment options tailored to each teenager's needs. From identifying stressors and implementing lifestyle changes to counseling and medication, our holistic approach addresses mental illness comprehensively.


At AIMS Hospital, our Psychiatrists emphasizes the importance of early intervention and proactive communication in addressing adolescent mental health. By understanding the nuances of mental illness and seeking timely support, parents can empower their teenagers to lead fulfilling lives. If you're concerned about your teenager's mental health, schedule an appointment with AIMS Hospital's experienced healthcare team for personalized care and support. 



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