Best Endoscopy Center in Dombivli and Kalyan | AIMS Hospital

DATE : 13/07/2022
AUTHOR : AIMS Hospital

Everything About Endoscopy

Doctors recommend an endoscopy to detect digestive disorders.
It is a non surgical procedure of examination where flexible tube with light and camera placed used to observe an internal organ or tissue of your digestive tract. Doctors also use it to perform imaging and minor surgery.
There are several types of endoscopies like Arthroscopy, brochoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy, enteroscopy, hysteroscopy, laprosopy, laryngoscopy, mediastonoscopy, simoidoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, ureteroscopy etc.
Endoscopic retrograde is a new form of endoscopy. Cholangiopancreaticography or ERCP helps clicking pictures of the pancreas, gallbladder, and related structures. ERCP helps in stent placement as well as in biopsies.

Need an Endoscopy?

Doctors will often recommend the above to diagnose stomach pain, digestive tract bleeding, Ulcers, gastritis, difficulty in swallowing, changes in bowel habits, growth in the colon. This procedure is also needed in biopsy to look for the presence of disease.
Endoscopy might be also used to treat a digestive tract problem. For e.g. endscopy not only helps in detecting an active bleeding ulcer but also helps to pass devices through it which helps to stop the bleeding. 

Is Endoscopy Safe?
Overall, endoscopy is very safe; however, the procedure does have a few potential complications, like Tear in the gut wall, sedation reaction, bleeding and infection, Pancreatitis, etc.

Who can perform endoscopy?
These procedures are normally performed by Gastroenterology specialists (Gastroenterologists). 

Minimum 6-8 hours of fasting before endoscopy. 

Gut Preparation:
 Upper endoscopy or ERCP requires nothing more than fasting for 6-8 hours before the procedure. For colonoscopy, a laxative or group of laxatives is given one day before the procedure to clear stool.
For most of the procedures, the sedative is provided to increase the comfort of the individual undergoing the examination, it relaxes and patient  gets light sleep. There are usually few side effects to the procedure. Patients normally wake up within an hour, but the effects of the medicines are more prolonged, so it is not safe to drive until the next day.

General anaesthesia normally is given in only very special circumstances.
Modern endoscopy involves less risks, it also helps to deliver detailed images thus it has proven as a boom in many areas of medicine. 

At AIMS Hospital, we have the best endoscopy center in Dombivli and Kalyan. 

We provide Upper GI endoscopy, Capsule endoscopy, Enteroscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP. Visit our page for Gastroenterology for more details.




Plot No. P72, AIMS, Milap Nagar, MIDC,
Dombivli East, Thane, Maharashtra 421201



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